"achievement": {
"youGot": "You got",
"progress": "{n} achievements out of {total} | {n} achievements out of {total} | {n} achievements out of {total} | {n} achievements out of {total}"
"achievementsModal": {
"completedLabel": "Achievements",
"notCompletedLabel": "Future achievements",
"statusTitle": "Status",
"defaultStatus": "Art lover",
"mirCardAttached": "You have added a MIR card",
"spentLabel": "spending per month",
"masterpiecesGivenCountLabel": "masterpieces as a gift",
"buttonTextShort": "Reveal more",
"buttonText": "Reveal more masterpieces"
"becamePatron": {
"myGallery": "My gallery",
"error": "Error"
"changePasswordForm": {
"changePasswordTitle": "change password",
"changePasswordError": "Password should be at least 6 characters",
"oldPasswordInputLabel": "current password",
"newPasswordInputLabel": "new password",
"repeatPasswordInputLabel": "repeat new password",
"buttonText": "Save",
"error": "Error."
"collectionPage": {
"overallStats": "Overall statistics",
"openMoreButtonText": "Reveal more masterpieces",
"openMoreButtonTextShort": "Reveal more"
"contributionCards": {
"loyaltyProgramMember": {
"type": "Connoisseur
with MIR
"price": "Free",
"buttonText": "JOIN & SUPPORT",
"text": "Any purchase with MIR card is your contribution to the preservation and research of the Museum's collection",
"text2": "Join 'My Tretyakov' with MIR card",
"text3": [
"Add your MIR card to your Profile and use it to make daily purchases",
"Every month add to your Personal Gallery up to 20 masterpieces from MIR virtual collection",
"Take part in monthly lottery and become a masterpiece patron",
"Add your MIR card to your Profile and use it to make daily purchases",
"Every month add to your Personal Gallery up to 20 masterpieces from MIR virtual collection",
"Take part in monthly lottery and become a masterpiece patron",
"Add your MIR card to your Profile and use it to make daily purchases",
"Every month add to your Personal Gallery up to 20 masterpieces from MIR virtual collection",
"Take part in monthly lottery and become a masterpiece patron"
"patrons": {
"type": "Patron",
"price": "₽5,000",
"buttonText": "JOIN & SUPPORT",
"text": "Your name will appear next to your favourite masterpiece",
"text2": "You can become a patron anonymously. You can also buy patronage as a gift",
"text3": [
"Have your name written next to your favourite masterpiece if you want to",
"Learn curious facts about artworks and their authors",
"Participate in the annual voting and decide which artwork will be added to the Museum's collection next.",
"Have your name written next to your favourite masterpiece if you want to",
"Learn curious facts about artworks and their authors",
"Participate in the annual voting and decide which artwork will be added to the Museum's collection next.",
"Have your name written next to your favourite masterpiece if you want to",
"Learn curious facts about artworks and their authors",
"Participate in the annual voting and decide which artwork will be added to the Museum's collection next."
"sponsors": {
"type": "donor",
"price": "₽100",
"buttonText": "JOIN & SUPPORT",
"text": "Each donation reveals new masterpiece in Virtual Gallery",
"text2": "Donate any amount from any card and become a member",
"text3": [
"Each donation reveals a new masterpiece in Virtual Gallery and shows it to the whole world",
"Learn curious facts about artworks and their authors",
"Participate in the annual voting and decide which artwork will be added to the Museum's collection next.",
"Each donation reveals a new masterpiece in Virtual Gallery and shows it to the whole world",
"Learn curious facts about artworks and their authors",
"Participate in the annual voting and decide which artwork will be added to the Museum's collection next.",
"Each donation reveals a new masterpiece in Virtual Gallery and shows it to the whole world",
"Learn curious facts about artworks and their authors",
"Participate in the annual voting and decide which artwork will be added to the Museum's collection next."
"contributions": {
"linkText": "Register",
"participates": "",
"warning": "All donations go to the Endowment Fund ‘Replenishment of the Tretyakov Gallery’s collection‘",
"from": "from",
"buttonText": "Find out more"
"cookiesBanner": {
"text1": "We use cookies to give you the best online experience. ",
"text2": "By continuing to use this site, you consent to our Cookie Policy.",
"termsLinkText": "Learn more"
"createGalleryButton": {
"text": "Create personal gallery"
"donation": {
"warn": "After the donation, you will automatically become a member of the project.",
"safety": "Payment security is provided by the acquiring bank GAZPROMBANK JSC",
"mirSpecialConditions": "Special terms for MIR cardholders"
"donationForm": {
"recurrentLabel": "Monthly subscription",
"singleLabel": "One time donation",
"recurrentLabelMobile": "Monthly",
"singleLabelMobile": "One time",
"recurrentDescription": "By signing up for monthly donations, you'll reveal a new masterpiece every month. Please use only bank cards to subscribe for monthly payments and not Apple or Google Pay. You can cancel the subscription any time.",
"singleDescription": "Once you made a donation, a new masterpiece immediately appears in the Virtual gallery",
"customSum": "Other sum",
"sum": "Sum",
"anonymousLabel": "Donate anonymously",
"nameInputLabel": "Name",
"anonymousInputValue": "Anonym",
"surnameInputLabel": "Surname",
"passwordInputLabel": "Password",
"policyLabel": "I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data according to the Privacy Policy<\/a>",
"policyLabelContinue": "and accept User Agreement<\/a>",
"requiredMessage": "Required field",
"offerLabel": "By making donations, you accept Public Offer<\/a>",
"luckyText": "Random choice",
"buttonText": "Submit",
"error": "Error.",
"mirSpecialConditions": "Special terms for MIR cardholders",
"otherSumLabel": "Other sum",
"noSumError": "Enter sum",
"min100rubError": "Min. 100 rubles",
"fillAllFieldsError": "All fields are required",
"serverError": "There's been a technical error. Please, try again",
"categoryDescription": "После внесения пожертвования в вашу личную галерею добавится шедевр из уже открытых пользователями\r\n ранее. Если вы хотите открывать новые, ранее не опубликованные на сайте шедевры – они обязательно скоро\r\n появятся, и вы сможете показать их всему миру! Следите за обновлениями.",
"singleDescriptionNoHiddenMasterpieces": "Все произведения, подготовленные для публикации, уже открыты участниками проекта. После внесения разового пожертвования в вашу личную галерею добавится случайный шедевр из коллекции пользователей."
"donationsList": {
"openDonationButton": "Reveal masterpiece"
"errorPage": {
"text": "Sorry, this page has never existed or been deleted. Please, go back to Home Page."
"faq": {
"buttonText": "Ask question"
"feedback": {
"formTitle": "WRITE TO US"
"footer": {
"tretyakovGallery": "Tretyakov
"address": "10 Lavrushinsky Lane
\r\nMoscow 119017",
"termsLinkText": "MIR Campaign Terms",
"policyLinkText": "Privacy Policy",
"termsOfUseLinkText": "User Agreement",
"siteMaterials": "Terms of Use of Website Content",
"feedbackLinkText": "Feedback",
"purchaseFundLinkText": "Endowment Fund of the Tretyakov Gallery",
"errorLinkText": "Report Website Errors",
"RDIText": "Project by RDI.Digital",
"CPText": "Designed by CreativePeople",
"DevelopmentText": "Developed by KR digital",
"SupportText": "Supported by Infospice",
"sitemapLinkText": "Sitemap",
"sponsorText": "General
"gallery": {
"backLinkText": "View all masterpieces"
"galleryFilters": {
"parameters": "parameters",
"search": "search"
"galleryParameters": {
"canPatronLabel": "become a patron",
"typeLabel": "Type",
"periodLabel": "Time period",
"authorLabel": "Artist",
"galleryLabel": "Gallery",
"mirLabel": "MIR collection",
"usersCollections": "Collection of participants",
"allLabel": "All"
"gallerySearchForm": {
"placeHolderExample": "e.g.",
"placeHolderExampleWord": "landscape"
"giftedPatron": {
"description": "Patron is a special status of a person who supports a certain artwork. Your name will be listed on the masterpiece page unless you select 'Stay anonymous' option above.",
"buttonConfirm": "become patron",
"buttonDecline": "decline gift",
"error": "error.",
"hint": "hint"
"givePatronage": {
"step1": "Provide recipient email",
"step2": "Recipient will get an email notification about the gift",
"buttonText": "Gift patronage",
"error": "Error",
"description": "Recipient needs to register in 'My Tretyakov'. If you gift a patronage, recipient's name will be mentioned next to the artwork instead of yours."
"header": {
"loginLinkText": "log in"
"input": {
"notFilledError": "required",
"wrongFormatError": "invalid format",
"min6CharsError": "password should be at least 6 characters",
"lettersOnlyError": "letters only",
"min100rubError": "minimum 100 rubles",
"min3000rubError": ""
"login": {
"formTitle": "Enter my Tretyakov",
"socialLabel": "With social network",
"orByEmail": "or email",
"passwordLabel": "Password",
"forgotLinkText": "Forgot password?",
"buttonText": "Log in",
"error": "Error",
"question": "New to My Tretyakov?",
"registerLinkText": "Register",
"passwordRecoveryModalTitle": "Restore password",
"passwordRecoveryModalSuccessMessage": "Restore password link was sent to your email",
"restorePasswordButtonText": "restore",
"emailError": "Email not found",
"passwordRecoveryError": "Cannot change password"
"mainPage": {
"statUsersCountLabel": "People already joined",
"statFundCollected": "Rubles donated to
the Endowment Fund",
"masterpiecesOpenedCount": "Revealed masterpieces",
"heritageLinkText": "Virtual gallery"
"masterpiece": {
"size": "Size",
"material": "Material",
"technique": "Technique",
"inventoryNumber": "Inventory",
"giftModalTitle": "Gift the patronage",
"giftModalTitleLine1": "Gift",
"giftModalTitleLine2": "masterpiece",
"galleryBackLinkText": "Virtual gallery",
"patron": "Masterpiece patron",
"participateWithMir": "Register with MIR card",
"addToGallery": "Add masterpiece to my gallery",
"givePatronage": "Gift the patronage",
"getPatronage": "Become this masterpiece patron",
"patronageGiftModalTitle": "Your gift has been sent",
"patronageGiftModalMessage": "A user has received an email to accept the patronage. Until the user accepts your gift, the patron is you.",
"patronageGiftModalButtonText": "Okay",
"otherWorksTitle": "Other artworks of this artist",
"anonymous": "Anonym"
"masterPieceNotFound": {
"mirText": "Patronage of an artwork from MIR payment system collection cannot be bought, but rather be won! For this, add your MIR card to your Personal Account. As soon as the amount of your daily purchases reaches 30,000 rubles in one month, you will have an opportunity to participate in the lottery and become a patron of a masterpiece.",
"text": "unfortunately, there are no masterpieces that meet your requirements yet. Try to formulate the request differently."
"masterpieceReceived": {
"myGalleryLinkText": "My gallery",
"title": "New
"text": "This artwork is now accessible from the Virtual Gallery and will appear in your personal gallery. Tell your friends!",
"textNoOpen": "This artwork will now appear in your personal gallery. Tell your friends!",
"titleNoOpen": "New
"myGalleryLinkTextNoOpen": "My gallery"
"masterpieceSelect": {
"titleLine1": "Masterpieces",
"titleLine2": "to your gallery",
"choose": "Sel ect",
"collection": "from MIR virtual collection of",
"thanAddToGallery": "and add them to your",
"gallery": "gallery",
"turnover": "Total amount of spending in",
"question": "Why can't I select a masterpiece?",
"deleteButtonText": "Reset selected",
"cancelButtonText": "Cancel",
"addButtonText": "Add to my gallery",
"completeButtonText": "Finish the selection",
"confirmModalTitle": "Save and exit?",
"resumeButtonText": "continue selection",
"completeButtonShortText": "Submit",
"hint1": "this could happen for two reasons: - You have already added this month's masterpieces to your gallery.<\/li>
- Your spending with MIR card in",
"hint2": "didn't reach 10,000 rubles per month. Learn more<\/a><\/li><\/ol>",
"hintButtonText": "Okay",
"errorModalTitle": "ERROR",
"errorModalButtonText": "Okay",
"selectedCount": "{n} masterpieces | {n} masterpiece | {n} masterpieces | {n} masterpieces"
"menu": {
"termsLinkText": "MIR Campaign Terms",
"privacyLinkText": "Privacy Policy",
"mirRules": "MIR Campaign Terms",
"gallery": "Virtual Gallery",
"feedback": "Feedback",
"news": "News",
"faq": "F.A.Q."
"mirMainPage": {
"termsLinkText": "Campaign Terms",
"buttonText": "Participate with MIR card",
"generalSponsor": "General
"mirMasterpiece": {
"title": "MIR masterpieces of this monts",
"description": "You can add these art works to your Personal Gallery at the beginning of next month. More purchases with the MIR card — more masterpieces in your collection!"
"modal": {
"error": "Error"
"newMasterpieces": {
"buttonText": "Become patron",
"linkText": "for patronage",
"available": "no masterpieces available | {n} masterpiece available | {n} masterpieces available | {n} masterpieces available"
"news": {
"pageTitle": "News",
"backLinkText": "Read all the news",
"filterCategoryLabel": "section"
"onboarding": {
"slide1": {
"title": "Join the project",
"description": "Make any contribution to the Endowment Fund of the Tretyakov Gallery or..."
"slide2": {
"title": "Join with MIR card",
"description": "Register your MIR card and use it to make daily purchases"
"slide3": {
"title": "Influence the Tretyakov Gallery collection",
"description": "Vote for the artworks that will be acquired by the Endowment Fund"
"slide4": {
"title": "Discover the Tretyakov Gallery collection",
"description": "Each donation opens online access to an artwork that was never published before. MIR cardholders can reveal artworks from a special collection part"
"nextLinkText": "Next",
"proceedLinkText": "Go to the website"
"patronageModal": {
"toGiveTitleLine1": "Gift",
"toGiveTitleLine2": "the patronage",
"becomeTitle": "Become patron",
"giftTitleLine1": "Patronage",
"giftTitleLine2": "as a gift",
"giftReturnedTitleLine1": "Patronage",
"giftReturnedTitleLine2": "stays",
"giftReturnedTitleLine3": "with you",
"user": "User",
"description": "did not accept the patronage. Thus, patron status stays with you."
"patronAvatar": {
"titleLabel": "masterpiece patron",
"anonymous": "Anonym",
"anonymousSwitchLabel": "stay anonymous"
"patronCancel": {
"text": "You can keep it for yourself, or you can gift it again eighter to the same user or anyone else. If you are not sure, you can keep the patronage for now and then gift it whenever you are ready from the masterpiece page.",
"keepButton": "keep the patronage",
"giveButton": "Gift the patronage",
"error": "Error.",
"giftSentModalTitle": "Your gift has been sent",
"giftSentModalMessage": "A user has received an email to accept the patronage. Until the user accepts your gift, the patron is you.",
"giftSentModalButton": "Great!"
"patronForm": {
"sumLabel": "sum",
"sumDescription": "Patronage. Starts from 5,000 rubles",
"anonymousLabel": "Donate anonymously",
"giftLabel": "gift the patronage",
"nameLabel": "Name",
"anonymousNameValue": "Anonym",
"surnameLabel": "Surname",
"passwordLabel": "Password",
"policyAgreementLabel": "I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data according to the Privacy Policy<\/a>",
"policyAgreementLabelContinue": "and accept User Agreement<\/a>",
"offerAgreementLabel": "By making donations, you accept Public Offer<\/a>",
"requiredMessage": "mandatory field",
"buttonText": "Become this masterpiece patron",
"errorWord": "error",
"formErrorMessage": "All fields are required"
"popularGallery": {
"masterpiecesCount": "no masterpieces | {n} masterpiece | {n} masterpieces | {n} masterpieces"
"preloader": {
"text1": "The Tretyakov Gallery together",
"text2": "with MIR payment system"
"priceList": {
"faqLinkText": "Frequently asked questions"
"profile": {
"connectMirTitleLine1": "masterpieces",
"connectMirTitleLine2": "from \"MIR\" virtual collection",
"connectMirText": "Use your MIR card
to make usual daily purchases
and add new masterpieces to your virtual gallery
every month",
"connectMirTerms": "Campaign Terms",
"connectMirButton": "Register with MIR card",
"title": "General information",
"statusLabel": "Current status",
"defaultStatus": "Art lover",
"description": "Each new status gives you additional opportunities within the project from the Tretyakov Gallery and MIR payment system.",
"mirTitle": "Participants
with MIR cards",
"noMirTitle": "Get
"becomesPatronModalTitle": "You are now
a masterpiece
"becomesPatronModalCongrats": "Congratulations! You became a masterpiece patron in My Tretyakov virtual gallery. Now any user can see your name on the masterpiece page.",
"confirmModalTitle": "Please, confirm",
"donationTitle": "Total donations amount in the project",
"galleryDefaultTitle": "Gallery title",
"changePasswordAllFieldsError": "All fields are required",
"changePasswordNotMatchError": "Passwords don't match",
"cardAttachSuccessTitle": "Card info saved",
"cardAttachSuccessButtonText": "Okay",
"cardAttachErrorTitle": "Error",
"cardAttachErrorMessage": "Card info is not saved",
"cardAttachErrorButtonText": "Try again",
"giftSentTitle": "Your gift has been sent",
"giftSentMessage": "A user has received an email to accept the patronage. Until the user accepts your gift, the patron is you.",
"giftSentButtonText": "Okay",
"modalPaymentErrorTitle": "Error",
"modalPaymentErrorMessage": "Payment has not been processed",
"mirErrorButtonText": "Try again",
"mirSuccessButtonText": "Okay",
"mirSuccessTitle": "CONGRATULATIONS!",
"mirErrorTitle": "ERROR"
"profileAvatar": {
"masterpiecesCountLabel": "masterpieces",
"modalButtonText": "Okay",
"error": "error",
"votedModalTitle": "Success",
"votedModalSuccessStatus": "Success"
"profileForm": {
"titleLine1": "Personal",
"titleLine2": "info",
"nameInputLabel": "Name",
"surnameInputLabel": "Surname",
"sexInputLabel": "Sex",
"birthdayInputLabel": "Date of birth",
"phoneInputLabel": "Telephone",
"countryInputLabel": "Country",
"cityInputLabel": "City",
"descriptionInputLabel": "About you",
"editButtonText": "Edit",
"saveButtonText": "Save",
"cancelButtonText": "Cancel",
"error": "error.",
"deleteButtonText": "Delete account",
"confirmModalTitle": "Please confirm",
"deleteConfirmationText": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?",
"deleteConfirmButtonText": "Yes",
"cancelDeleteButtonText": "No",
"sexOptionLabelNone": "Not selected",
"sexOptionLabelMale": "Male",
"sexOptionLabelFemale": "Female"
"profileGallery": {
"yourGallery": "Your gallery",
"galleryNamePlaceholder": "Gallery title",
"masterPiecesCountLabel": "masterpieces in the gallery",
"amountLabel": "people liked it",
"share": "Share with friends",
"openMoreShort": "Reveal more masterpieces",
"openMore": "Reveal more",
"patron": "Patronage",
"opened1": "Revealed",
"opened2": "masterpieces",
"mir2": "«of MIR collection»",
"mir1": ""
"profileMenu": {
"profile": "Profile",
"gallery": "My gallery",
"settings": "Settings",
"logout": "Log out",
"deleteAccountLinkText": "Delete account",
"buttonMoreMasterpiecesTextShort": "Reveal more masterpieces",
"buttonMoreMasterpiecesText": "Reveal more"
"profileMir": {
"description": {
"profileGallery_mir1": "masterpieces",
"firstLine": "Every month, 20 new masterpieces will appear in this section. The number of artworks that you can add to your personal gallery depends on the amount of your purchases with MIR card in the past month",
"secondLine": ""
"title": "Congratulations! You now have access to a unique MIR payment system art collection",
"buttonText": "Add to my gallery",
"turnoverHintText": "Purchases made by 25th day of each month are summarized here. If you made a purchase later, it will be taken into account next month",
"turnoverHint": "Purchase amount",
"turnover": "with MIR card",
"periodLabel": "in",
"available": "Masterpieces to your gallery in",
"processingTime": "Processing time for card turnover data is up to 5 days",
"masterpieceOfMonthButtonText": "MASTERPIECES OF THIS MONTH",
"masterpieceOfMonthLine1": "See what masterpieces are waiting for you!",
"masterpieceOfMonthLine2": "You will be able to add these art works to your Personal Gallery at the beginning of next month."
"profileNoMir": {
"title": "Add a MIR card to your Profile, use it for usual daily purchases for a total of 10,000 rubles and more per month and help us preserve cultural heritage",
"description": "Get access to a unique virtual art collection for MIR cardholders and add your favourites to your personal gallery, up to 20 artworks every month. Moreover, you will have a monthly opportunity to participate in a lottery and become a masterpiece patron.",
"termsLintText": "MIR Campaign Terms",
"buttonText": "Add MIR card"
"profileSettings": {
"title": "Cards and subscriptions",
"recurrent": "Monthly subscription",
"month": "month",
"delete": "Delete card",
"management": "Manage subscription",
"yourCard": "your card",
"subscribe": "Subscription",
"sum": "Sum",
"donations": "Donator",
"nextDebiting": "Next donation",
"saveButtonText": "Save",
"error": "Error",
"editButtonText": "Update subscription",
"editConfirm": "Are you sure you want to update the subscription?",
"cancelConfirmModalTitle": "Are you sure you want to cancel the subscription?",
"cancelButtonText": "Cancel subscription",
"cancelConfirmButtonText": "Yes",
"cancelDeclineButtonText": "No",
"formError": "All fields are required"
"rating": {
"text": "Total in the project today",
"masterpieces": "Masterpieces",
"collected": "Donated",
"underPatronage": "Patronage"
"registration": {
"title": "Join
"mirCardLabel": "register with \"MIR\" card",
"socialLoginLabel": "Login with social media",
"formTitle": "or sign up now",
"nameInputLabel": "Name",
"surnameInputLabel": "Surname",
"passwordInputLabel": "Password",
"policyAgreementLabel": "I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data according to the Privacy Policy<\/a> and accept User Agreement.<\/a>",
"requiredMessage": "Required field",
"formButtonText": "create account",
"error": "error."
"restorePasswordModal": {
"title": "restore password",
"successMessage": "Password changed",
"passwordInputLabel": "New password",
"error": "Error.",
"buttonText": "Save"
"sitemap": {
"pageTitle": "Site Index",
"homeLinkText": "Homepage",
"galleryLinkText": "Virtual gallery",
"newsLinkText": "News",
"faqLinkText": "FAQ",
"profileLinkText": "Personal account",
"profileGalleryLinkText": "Personal gallery",
"profileSettingsLinkText": "Personal account settings",
"termsMirLinkText": "MIR Campaign Terms",
"termsLinkText": "User Agreement",
"offerLinkText": "Public Offer",
"sitemapLinkText": "Site index",
"compilationsLinkText": "Themed collections"
"subscribe": {
"text": "Subscribe to our mailing list and get the latest news from 'My Tretyakov'"
"table": {
"nameLabel": "title",
"yearLabel": "creation date",
"materialsLabel": "materials"
"terms": {
"report1": "Total in the project today",
"report2": "connoisseurs with a MIR Card",
"title1": "What you need to join",
"title2": "How it works",
"buttonText": "register with MIR card"
"mainPageCollectionsLinkText": "Virtual gallery",
"mainPageCollectionsRevealed": "Revealed masterpiece | Revealed masterpieces",
"mainPageCollectionsRevealedStart": "Revealed | Revealed",
"mainPageCollectionsRevealedEnd": "masterpiece | masterpieces"